Read Scripture App For Mac

Maybe look into using iBooks Author on the Mac App Store to make your Bible. This may get you something you can use. And doable in a realistic time frame. We are excited to make this app available free of charge. This gives you access to the complete English Standard Version Bible text and all the resources of Grace to You. You can access the resources of The MacArthur Study Bible through the in-app purchase of “John’s Notes” for $5.99.

  1. Read Scripture App For Mac Download

Contents • • • • • • • • • • Project guidelines • Document should index successfully on the Kindle • Document should quickly find Book/Chapter/Verse using Kindle Search • Document should navigate easily with regards to the five-way control • Document will be formatted from LDSxml using a *language* script • I would prefer Python - 17:12, 2 April 2010 (UTC) Preview Long-term goals • Fully cross-referenced Desired features (brainstorm) Feel free to contribute and add opinions. • Any reason we can't just convert the ePub version using Calibre or similar scripts to the Mobipocket format? • Tried this tonight. The Book of Mormon mobi output from Calibre seems to work well on the Kindle.

Read Scripture App For Mac Download


10/7 • Sorry, but I think that the scriptures need to be Active content. I've been using on my Kindle for a couple of months now, and it is not a stellar experience. App downloads for mac. Different yahoo user. The scriptures simply need to have a navigatable breadcrumb trail at the top of the page, and this isn't a built in feature to the Kindle. They also need a much faster way of getting to a verse. It is going to have to be an app. -- 17:36, 28 December 2010 (UTC) • I made a version from the xml scriptures that has the book, chapter, and verse (i.e.

Read scripture app for mac computer or alma.5.10) before each verse that allows for fast lookup. I also have the footnotes working pretty well it seems. I'm still doing a little work on the Topical Guide and Bible dictionary, but I'm pretty close on those too.

I tried this out in Church today and I was actually able to keep up with the lesson (much better than a couple of other versions I've tried in the last couple of weeks). I actually made it as an epub and converted it to a mobi using Calibre (it was easier for me to find info on epubs). Another advantage is that I now have both epub and mobi. I saw the previous post on wanting an active content version, I think that would be cool, but I wanted something I could use now. Is there any interest in what I have? On disadvantage to the way I did it is if you have the Kindle read the book to you it sounds funny with the abbreviated verse markers and the footnote markers, but even with just a number in front of a verse it doesn't flow very well.