Fabric App For Mac

Recently I updated my Mac OS to High Sierra. After the OS update, the Fabric app is not working properly. Not able to generate the 'Fastlane beta'.

  1. Fabric App For Mac
Fabric App For MacApp

Fabric App For Mac

Free screenshot application windows 10 This doc is here for developers who have used the Fabric Mac App to install and update fastlane. To continue getting fastlane updates, you'll need to migrate to our preferred installation method for fastlane by following these steps: • rm -rf ~/.fastlane/bin (this will clear your current fastlane installation from your home directory) • rm -rf /usr/local/lib/fastlane_lib (this will clear your current fastlane installation from your system) • rm /usr/local/bin/fastlane (you might have a symlink here that needs to be removed) These three items can be safely deleted, the Fabric Mac App is responsible for their existence.