Official Gmail App For Mac

A few months ago I set up two of my gMail accounts in, and it's worked perfectly for the past three months, but yesturday, my gMail accounts were offline. My.Mac account was fine, but the gMail accounts 'had a problem connecting to port 995.' I checked online and made sure all the settings were correct, and nothing had changed since I set it up. Any ideas what happened or how to fix it? I use Mail alot and would hate to go to every time I wanted to check my mail or redownload gMail Notifier. Narwhal app for mac.

Official Gmail App For Mac


Official Gmail App For Mac Computer

The Google Calendar app is designed to save you time and help you make the most of every day. Schedule View brings your schedule to life and makes it easy to see what's ahead with images and maps. It's also customizable and has a design that's both minimalist and fresh — not an easy feat for an email app. Discuss email privately Invite teammates to discuss specific email and threads. Gmail is an easy to use email app that saves you time and keeps your messages safe. Get your messages instantly via push notifications, read and respond online & offline, and find any message quickly.

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