Official Twitter App For Mac

Twitter App Download

The official Twitter app for Mac is. Twitter no longer offers the app for download, and it will no longer be supported in March. So, what’s a Twitter user on a Mac to do? Here are your best options going forward.
Tweetbot ($9.99) Tweetbot is probably the best Twitter app out there to begin with, so if you were using the service’s official app, consider Twitter pulling support a sign that you should be making the jump to Tweetbot anyway. It has a clean interface (with no algorithmic timeline or sponsored tweets), outstanding mute and filtering options, and support for all the good Twitter features like 280 characters, threaded tweets, direct messages, inline images, GIFs, videos, and lists. There are a couple weak spots: search isn’t great, and some features that Twitter refuses to build APIs for, like polls, don’t show up at all. Twitterrific (currently on sale for $7.99) If you don’t like Tweetbot, your next best option is, which recently rose from the grave following a. Honestly, it’s basically the same as Tweetbot featurewise, although the UI is a little rougher around the edges than the more slick interface of its competitor. But if you’re looking for something that emulates (or rather, improves on) the original Twitter for Mac experience, Twitterrific is a good option, too.
Best Twitter App For Mac
Twitter has killed off its official desktop client for Mac. It's no longer available to download, and if you already have it installed, it will stop working in less than a month.
TweetDeck Going back to officially owned Twitter products, TweetDeck is sticking around for the time being. Like the Twitter for Mac app (which started out as a third-party app called Tweetie that was actually really good before Twitter slowly killed it off through a combination of neglect and mismanagement), TweetDeck started off as its own independent app before Twitter bought it in 2011. Its unique column-based interface is still popular, especially among users who like following different lists of accounts. It’s more designed for power users than the casual consumer, but at least Twitter isn’t killing it (for now). The app has languished somewhat under Twitter’s care: it hasn’t been updated since July 2015 (for “enhancements and small bug fixes”). But if you really like the UI or just prefer an “official” Twitter product, it’s not a bad option.
Twitter App Mac Os
Unlike Tweetbot or Twitterrific, it’s also free. Site-specific browser This isn’t quite an app, but it can feel a little bit like one. You can use an app like Fluid to create a site-specific web browser so that Twitter’s website will have an icon in your dock and a dedicated window outside of Chrome, Safari, or whatever browser you’re using. The web Lastly, you can give up on apps entirely and just head to the web.
Facebook has successfully existed on the desktop with only web users (it’s kind of fascinating that there are no third-party Facebook apps), and Twitter is obviously hoping to drive its own users toward the more easily updated and ad-driven website as well. Idvd app for mac. Twitter on the web is available at.
When Twitter acquired Tweetie, we had high hopes that Twitter would bring a lot of powerful features to its app for Mac, but it appears that the company has other plans. The social media company is apparently shutting down its Mac app. Yesterday, Twitter’s Support account revealed that its app has been pulled from the Mac App Store, and in 30 days “will no longer be supported.” The company said that it’s “focusing our efforts on a great Twitter experience that’s consistent across platforms.” This means that users will have to use the website, Tweetdeck or other third-party apps. For the full Twitter experience on Mac, visit Twitter on web.
👉 — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) Twitter hasn’t done a good job of keeping its Mac app up-to-date either. Many hardcore users are usually opting to use other apps that have developed over the years like Tweetbot (yours truly) or Twitterrific. Twitter closing down its own Mac store app is more of a closing note than a major loss to its offerings for users.