Portable App For Mac

Please feel free to post news, tutorials, examples, personal projects or start a discussion and ask questions about 3D scanning! I see that someone else recently posted about this, but the thread didn't get much attention. I know I'm not the only one who's having an impossible time getting VSFM running on Mac. After trying the installer package recommended on the VSFM main project page, and failing, I found this, which purportedly compiles and creates a portable app: The problem is that, having essentially no working knowledge of terminal operations, I can't even follow the instructions to run this. But it does say that the result is a portable app that can be redistributed. Has anyone used this installer?

I have a keen interest in portable apps from my time spent working on client sites. Having a suite of productivity applications on a USB flash drive has come in I have a keen interest in portable apps from my time spent working on client sites. Portable App Suites/Launchers: The Portable Freeware Collection: It's the only choice here without a program launcher and suite, but it's one of the very best places for portable apps and commentary. Play music app for mac.


Best App For Mac Computer

Do you now have Visual SFM as an app that could be emailed/shared/temporarily hosted or whatnot? It would be immensely appreciated! Or, to anyone else who has VSFM running on El Capitan: what's your secret?